Hello DECA Advisors,
Oh, this coming week is super busy! I hope that all your students are getting excited for State! I am sure the panic is setting in for many.
Just a reminder about deadlines:
Utah DECA Scholarship due Friday, January 31 – link is below.
State Registration due – Monday, February 3 by 10:00 pm. Registration link is below.
Written Projects due – Tuesday, February 4 by 10:00 pm. They are submitted online link is below.
State Officer President and Region VP Applications due – February 4 – send to [email protected]
Chapter of the Year – Complete form by Wednesday, February 5 – I am giving an extra day for this. Link is below.
3- and 4-year Members – Complete form by Wednesday, February 5 – I need the names. Link is below.
Online Testing – Friday, February 7 – Friday, February 14 6:00 am – 6:00 pm. Link will be sent out with passwords each day.
State Competition – February 20 and 21 at the Davis Conference Center
I will send out instructions for how to upload the state projects. Please remember ALL PROJECTS ARE DUE BY 10:00PM ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2025. THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE. There are no exceptions to this rule.
For the uploads, we have to manually send the names and events for each student doing a project. If they are not listed in the Judge Pro system, it means they have not been sent yet. Just email me, and I will hurry and do it. I try to do it every hour. After the registration closes on Monday, I will do one final load and everything will be set for Tuesday. If you see errors in the Judge Pro System, it means at one time in the registration system it said that. We can fix the wrong ones . I realize that does not make sense to several of you. Now worries, it will all work out okay.
The deadline for the Utah DECA Scholarship is January 31. Please encourage students to apply. We have 42, — $200 scholarships available.
The link is https://forms.gle/KwTC5DokWVVTGjDs9
Please start registering your students for the State Conference. We currently have 805 students registered. We are anticipating this State Conference to be our largest ever.
We currently have 3,343 members!!! This is incredible!
I hope to see several of you at the UACTE Conference this weekend in St. George. We will have a DECA/FBLA session at 8:00 am on Saturday, February 1.
Have a great week!
Hello DECA Advisors,
I hope that all of you have had a great week! The Testing Tournament of Champions has been going strong. As of right now, we have had 219 students take tests. That is awesome! We will announce winners next week and recognize them at the State Competition.
Here are a few things for the week.
Registration is due on Monday, February 3 by 10:00 pm. IF YOU MISS THE DEADLINE, A LATE FEE WILL BE ADDED.
Projects are due on Tuesday, February 4 by 10:00 pm. PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE!
Also be talking to your students about dress code for the State Competition.
National DECA has issued an article stating how to use AI and what they will do at ICDC. Please make sure that your students are doing their own work on their projects.
Please read the article at https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/deca-competitive- events-use-of-ai
We currently have 3,300 members! That is incredible! Please remember that students must be registered with national DECA to attend State. Make sure to get all your students registered.
The University of Utah will host Utah DECA at a Men’s Basketball game on Tuesday, January 28, against Cincinnati. This will be just for the game. Tickets are $9 and are available through the link. The seats are upper bowl and located all together. It will be a fun night at the U and hopefully take your mind off of state.
Have a great week everyone!
Hello DECA Advisors,
I hope that everyone had a fantastic break and now it is time to get ready for State! Exciting times!
Here are a few things for the week.
First, all of you should have received the email about the State Competition. It has everything for State. If you did not receive it, please let me know!
Second, Marci Porter is in charge of judges for State this year. I sent out an email from her, please send that to anyone who you know that would be a great judge. We really want business people. Please help us get great judges.
I will send out the information about our Testing Tournament of Champions of Friday. I am finalizing everything in the system tomorrow with the programmers and I want to make sure that everything is correct before I send it out.
The Utah DECA Night at the Utah Jazz is Wednesday, January 15. The plans for the day:
- Enter the arena from 1:30-1:50 pm and shoot a free throw on the court!
- Presentation with speakers from the Jazz organization. (2:00 pm day of game)
- Early Entry to watch player warmups from the first few rows (4:45 pm)
- Game starts at 7:00 p.m.
If you have not already purchased tickets, please be sure to go through the link below:
We have setup up a Utah DECA Store on the Utah DECA Website. Go to www.utahdeca.org and click on SHOP UTAH DECA. Everything is done through the website. Place orders, payment, shipping, everything. So, if you want some new Utah DECA merchandise, take a look at the website.
National DECA Scholarships are available for your students. If your students are interested, please share this link with them. https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/get-recognized-with- a-deca-inc-scholarship-2024
The deadline is Friday, January 10, 2025.
The SBE Submission Site is now open. The SBE project must be submitted by January 14, 2025. The submission link and more information can be found at https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/sbe-chapter- certification-submission-site- is-open-2025
The University of Utah will host Utah DECA at a Men’s Basketball game on Tuesday, January 28, against Cincinnati. This will be just for the game. Tickets are $9 and are available through the link. The seats are upper bowl and located all together. It will be a fun night at the U and hopefully take your mind off of state.
Hello Everyone,
This is the information that I know all of you have been waiting for! It is the Utah DECA State Conference! There is a lot of information and a lot of different due dates. PLEASE READ THROUGH EVERYTHING!
Utah DECA State Conference – February 20 & 21 at the Davis Conference Center in Layton
February 20 – 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
February 21 – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
The registration link is https://www.decaregistration. com/ut
Registration is due by Monday, February 3 by 10:00 pm.
The cost is $50 per person.
If you need to register a student late, it will cost $60. Also, please be aware that once registration is closed the number of participants is calculated to determine the number of judges needed. Late registration may only be allowed to be entered into open events. Day of event changes (for example, partner is sick) students will be placed in an event with the same test cluster.
Students must be registered and paid with National DECA to register for the State Conference. Please be sure that this is done before you try to register. Any student wishing to attend ICDC must be registered with National DECA by February 15.
Pay through PayPal in the registration system or send a check to Utah DECA. All payments must be received by February 20, 2025, to avoid late charges.
We will be doing online testing for all DECA Exams. Tests will need to be administered by the DECA Chapter Advisor from February 7-February 14. All tests must be completed by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14. Please start making plans for testing. Tests will open each day at 6:00 a.m. and close each night at 6:00 p.m. You do need some time to go home and not think about DECA. Testing will not be open on the weekend. Testing instructions will be sent out after registration has closed.
Written projects will be submitted online. The link for submission is http://judgespro. registermychapter.com/org/ jput-decascdc/conf/scdc
Advisors must submit the projects. Please do not wait until the last minute to upload the projects. Plan appropriate time.
All projects must be submitted by Tuesday, February 5 by 10:00 p.m.! No projects will be accepted late!!!
Note that this is the day after registration. Due to feedback, we made the written papers due on a different day to help relieve some stress.
Attached is the application and instructions for students interested in running for State Office. There are a few changes this year, so please read everything carefully. All deadlines will be enforced. Please direct any questions to Angie Larsen at [email protected]
Please note the following deadlines:
January 13 – Declaration of Intent to Run email- due
January 27 – Technology VP application- due
February 4 – President/Region VP application- due
All schools will be required to answer the Chapter of the Year question in the registration. If your chapter has completed the things for Chapter of the Year, please select YES. Please complete the link below by February 3, 2025.
For the Chapter of the Year presentation at State, chapters will have 10 minutes to present. As for the presentation, it is up to the chapter how they present and how many members actually present. Lindsay Porter will be over Chapter of the Year, and will be in contact with each school to setup a time for the presentation on February 21, 2025.
Attached is the State Conference Release Form. It must be signed by all parties listed on the form. Please bring them with you to state.
Attached is the dress code for the conference. Please be sure that your students are aware of the dress code and that they follow it. Remember students not following dress code will be docked points and not allowed on stage if they win an award. There were many violations at the Region Competitions. Please start talking to your members about the dress code today.
If schools need hotel rooms, they must reserve them on their own. Utah DECA has no agreement with hotels.
Utah DECA received a grant this year to sponsor a scholarship to pay the state registration for 50 students. If you have students who you believe would benefit from this $50 State Scholarship, please share the following link with them. Link must be completed by 6:00 pm on Monday, January 27. This will give us time to get back to you before the registration deadline.
This year we also are able to offer DECA Scholarships of $200 to DECA members. This is made possible through the grant as well. Jon Hansen sent out an email containing information about the scholarship. The link is https://forms.gle/ 3KXDvEGVR96KSJ168
This scholarship application is due January 31, 2024.
This is an amazing opportunity for DECA members. Please encourage students to apply!
We want to recognize DECA Members who have been members for 3 or 4 years. Please complete the following link for all your members that are 3- or 4-year members. Please complete by February 5.
Watch for an email with detailed information about ICDC. This is the National Conference. There are many things that you need to be aware of before we get to the State Conference. Remember that your will be scheduling your own air and ground transportation this year. The hotel will be scheduled through me.
We will send a detailed program once all the registration numbers are in. We will follow similar formats as in previous years. Please plan on the times listed at the start of this email for transportation purposes.
This is the tentative schedule:
Thursday, February 22
9:00 am – Opening Session
10:00 am – 5:00 pm – Role Play Competitions
11:00 am – 5:00 pm – Written Presentations
5:00 – 8:00 pm – Written Finals for any written event needing Finals
*Not all events will begin or end at the same time.
Friday, February 23
8:00 am – Mini Awards
9:00 am – 1:00 pm – Role Play Finals
3:00 pm – Grand Awards
We will have things happening throughout the day on Thursday and Friday for students who are not competing at that time. The list of events will be given before the State Conference.
We are excited to see everyone at the State Conference. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I wanted to add one more thing to the email.
I forgot to mention how many events students can do at the state competition. Students can compete in TWO events, if it is one of the following situations:
- 2 WRITTEN PROJECTS – as long as they are not in the same competition area. For example, not two Entrepreneurship projects
Students may only compete in ONE ROLE PLAY EVENT at State.
Students can do just one event.
Hello DECA Advisors,
It is an exciting week this week! I have so many things to tell you. First, the region competitions were amazing! Your students did an incredible job. I hope that they had a great experience. Thank you for all your help with running the events and recruiting judges. We couldn’t do these competitions without all of your help. A huge thank you to Dale Pollard for organizing all the competitions. I don’t know what we would do without Dale. Thanks to Allie Halling for helping to organize, set-up, and run the competitions. Thank you to our judge coordinators Nate Reese, Kyle Stanger, and Randy Kammerman for organizing and recruiting more judges. We have a great team in Utah DECA!
You are going to want to read through this entire email. I have lots to share!
We did it! We not only met our goal but we have surpassed our goal. We currently have 3,198 members for Utah DECA! Great job recruiting members. Keep it going.
At all the region competitions, we did pictures of everyone who received a medal. All advisors have access to the link. Please only download your students. Do not share the link with your students. The pictures will be available through January 17, 2025. After that time, the pictures will be taken down.
As we increase in size, our DECA regions are getting too big. Beginning in our January DECA Board Meeting, we will start to discuss different options to divide regions. We will keep all schools in the same district together. If you have any input, thoughts, concerns, or questions, please let me or a board member know.
The link for the Jazz Game is link:
Please get your tickets soon. The DECA Night at the Utah Jazz is January 15. Free throws from 1:30-1:50. Speakers from 2:00-2:45. Early Entrance for warm-ups at 4:45. Game starts at 7:00 pm. Game is against the Charolette Hornets.
The University of Utah will host Utah DECA at a Men’s Basketball game on Tuesday, January 28, against Cincinnati. This will be just for the game. Tickets are $9 and are available through the link. The seats are upper bowl and located all together. It will be a fun night at the U and hopefully take your mind off of state.
National DECA Scholarships are available for your students. If your students are interested, please share this link with them. https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/get-recognized-with- a-deca-inc-scholarship-2024
The deadline is January 10, 2025.
The SBE Submission Site is now open. The SBE project must be submitted by January 14, 2025. The submission link and more information can be found at https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/sbe-chapter- certification-submission-site- is-open-2025
The Utah DECA Testing Tournament of Champions will be January 22-24, 20025. Students will have the opportunity to take 7 DECA Exams, one in each cluster area. More information will come in January.
All the information and registration materials will be sent out to you no later than January 7, 2025. This includes information about running for state office.
I hope that everyone has a fantastic break! Happy Holidays!
Hello DECA Advisor,
Northern Region had their Region Competition on Tuesday. It was fantastic! We had a great time and we hoped that the students did too. Tomorrow is Central Region, and Monday is Salt Lake Region. We are looking forward to seeing all of those students and advisors.
A few things this week for you.
Congratulations to the following schools for completing at least 2 BINGOS during DECA Month:
- Mountain
- Weber
- Corner Canyon
- Mountain Ridge
- Herriman
They will receive a $25 gift card for their chapter and 2 DECA stickers for each of their members.
Congratulations to the following schools for completing BLACKOUT!
- Fremont
- West
- Hillcrest
- Uintah
- Olympus
- Skyline
They will receive a $50 gift card for their chapter and 3 DECA stickers for each of their members.
The DECA BINGO was no easy task. We hope that every school that participated had a great time. The stickers are ordered. Everything will be shipped to the winning schools and should be there around the time you come back from the break.
National DECA Scholarships are available for your students. If your students are interested, please share this link with them. https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/get-recognized-with- a-deca-inc-scholarship-2024
The deadline is January 10, 2025.
We are thrilled to announce that DECA’s scholarship program for 2024-2025 is now open to submit applications! This is your chance to earn financial support for your education while being recognized for your achievements. |
The Utah CTE Scholarship information is attached, along with a QR code to apply. Please share the information with your students.
The SBE Submission Site is now open. The SBE project must be submitted by January 14, 2025. The submission link and more information can be found at https://www.decadirect.org/ articles/sbe-chapter- certification-submission-site- is-open-2025
The link for the Jazz Game is link:
Please get your tickets soon. The DECA Night at the Utah Jazz is January 15. Free throws from 1:30-1:50. Speakers from 2:00-2:45. Early Entrance for warm-ups at 4:45. Game starts at 7:00 pm. Game is against the Charolette Hornets.
Have a fantastic week!
Hello DECA Advisors,
We had a great Southern Region DECA Competition this past weekend! It was great being with the Southern Region. I am excited for the two other competitions this week: Northern and Central. It is exciting to see all the students compete.
Just a couple of things for you.
The link that I sent for the Jazz Tickets is broken. Here is a new link:
Please get your tickets soon. The DECA Night at the Utah Jazz is January 15. Free throws from 1:30-1:50. Speakers from 2:00-2:45. Early Entrance for warm-ups at 4:45. Game starts at 7:00 pm. Game is against the Charlotte Hornets.
All regions testing ends at 6:00 pm on Monday, December 9.
For awards at Region, we are giving testing medals and then role-play medals. The top three for each judge. The two scores will not be combined. If a student does not test, they could still win a role-play medal at region.
If you know of a student who is no longer attending, please let us know as we are scheduling events.
Hello DECA Advisors,
I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am for all of you. You give so much for your students. Our DECA advisors are the best! I hope that you are able to relax and enjoy life over the Thanksgiving break. Just know that we truly appreciate you and couldn’t do this without you.
Here are a few things for you to know before the break.
SOUTHERN REGION- Registration is due Tuesday, November 26 by 10:00 pm. https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-s
All other region registrations are due by 5:00 pm on December 3.
NORTHERN REGION – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-n
CENTRAL REGION – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-c
SALT LAKE REGION – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-slr
Judge coordinates will be sending how many judges each school has registered for the region competition. Please remember for every 6 students, you need to bring 1 judge.
Judge Links:
Southern Region – December 1 – Utah Tech – https://forms.gle/ FPhsmY8qdMso9yT18
Northern Region – December 10 – Weber State – https://forms.gle/ pUYjBTq17WUY7tfd6
Central Region – December 13 – BYU – https://forms.gle/ BsuDPkDj1CaPaTdn8
Salt Lake Region – December 16 – SLCC – https://forms.gle/ sFm7vrtmMLk1qYQb9
We are at the end of DECA Month. I hope that all of you enjoyed doing the activities. If you completed the DECA BINGO, please submit the following:
BINGO – Submit a short description of each of the activities completed that got a BINGO (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal). Submit at least 3 pictures. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by December 3. (For Double BINGO, do 2 submissions. One for each of the BINGOs).
BLACKOUT – Submit a short description of each of the activities completed a BINGO BLACKOUT. Submit at least 12 pictures. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by December 3.
Chapters completing a BINGO will earn a sticker for all members.
Chapters completing DOUBLE BINGO will earn two stickers for all members and a $25 gift card for the chapter.
Chapters completing the BINGO BLACKOUT will earn 3 stickers for all members, and a $50 gift card for the chapter.
If you are doing the National DECA Chapter Campaigns, they are due December 2. Information can be found at https://www.deca.org/campaigns
We will have our Utah DECA Night at the Utah Jazz on January 15. Students will be able to shoot free throws starting at 1:30. A guest speaker will be there at 2:00. Early entry into the Delta Center to watch warm-ups will be at 4:45. The game will start at 7:00 pm against the Charlotte Hornets. Tickets can be purchased at https://protect.checkpoint. com/v2/r01/___www.utahjazz. group/utahdeca___. YzJ1OnV0YWhqYXp6OmM6Zzo3N2RjMm IyMjczODg5OTYzYTMyMDIxNGZhNmRk ZDNiNDo3OjBmMzk6OWU2YTlkMGQ2Mj c2OGNjMmNhMDUyM2ZmYjQzMzA5MGIx MjhhMDdiMGE1ODBkYWE4OWJjYjA3NW Y0MzczZmYwMzp0OlQ6T
Please order your tickets as soon as possible. Best prices and seats are available now.
Utah DECA currently has 2,420 members!!! That is an increase of 321 from this day last year. That is incredible! Keep recruiting! We are only 580 members short of our goal. We can do it!
Remember that students must be registered members to participate at the region competitions.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Hello DECA Advisors,
First, thank you to all those who came to the region meetings. Hopefully, you walked away knowing more and your questions were answered. I did record the meeting. It is too large to put in an email. It will be on the state website later today or tomorrow. The state website is www.utahdeca.org. I will let you know when it is up and where to find it.
Now onto weekly information
The ICDC Pin Designs are due Friday, November 15. The winner will receive a $25 gift card. If someone from your school submits a pin design, you can count it as a square on the DECA BINGO card.
How is DECA BINGO going? I have received two BINGOS so far. For DECA Chapters to show that they have completed a BINGO, DOUBLE BINGO, and/or BLACKOUT, they must submit the following:
BINGO – Submit a short description of each of the activities completed that got a BINGO (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal). Submit at least 3 pictures. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by December 3. (For Double BINGO, do 2 submissions. One for each of the BINGOs).
BLACKOUT – Submit a short description of each of the activities completed a BINGO BLACKOUT. Submit at least 12 pictures. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by December 3.
Chapters completing a BINGO will earn a sticker for all members.
Chapters completing DOUBLE BINGO will earn two stickers for all members and a $25 gift card for the chapter.
Chapters completing the BINGO BLACKOUT will earn 3 stickers for all members, and a $50 gift card for the chapter.
National DECA Chapter Campaigns are due December 2 to National DECA. They will not be accepted late. If you want the opportunity to take students to ICDC in a capacity other than a competitor, than your school must earn Thrive Spots. To earn Thrive Spots, you must complete the Chapter Campaigns. Information can be found at https://www.deca.org/campaigns
Utah DECA currently has 2,158. This is an increase of 186 members from this day last year. Way to go! Keep going!
As of right now, this is what we have for judges for each region:
Southern: 6
Northern: 8
Salt Lake: 29
Central: 34
We have a lot of work to do. Please send out the judge links and start getting judges to sign up. The earlier notice you can give to people, the better.
Judge Links
Southern Region – December 1 – Utah Tech – https://forms.gle/ FPhsmY8qdMso9yT18
Northern Region – December 10 – Weber State – https://forms.gle/ pUYjBTq17WUY7tfd6
Central Region – December 13 – BYU – https://forms.gle/ BsuDPkDj1CaPaTdn8
Salt Lake Region – December 16 – SLCC – https://forms.gle/ sFm7vrtmMLk1qYQb9
I have had a few advisors say that they did not get the region competition email. It was sent out on October 31. All the information is also on the state website. If you need the email again, let me know.
The due dates and links for registration are below.
SOUTHERN REGION – NOVEMBER 26 by 10:00 pm – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-s
NORTHERN REGION – DECEMBER 3 by 5:00 pm – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-n
CENTRAL REGION – DECEMBER 3 by 5:00 pm – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-c
SALT LAKE REGION – DECEMBER 3 by 5:00 pm – https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-slr
From Nate Reese:
As many of you know, Mountain View High School was planning on holding our first ever Orem Community Teen Entrepreneur Expo. Unfortunately, due to a smaller amount of interest that was hoped for we are cancelling it for this semester. We hope to potentially have it in the springtime. In the meantime, Calvin Barnum at AF and his team have a great opportunity for any student that wants to run their business. The attached flyer is the information you need. Please reach out to Calvin if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.
Hello DECA Advisors,
It has been so fun seeing all the fun things you are doing for DECA Month! Keep sending in pictures!
We received so many pictures this year of decorated doors! So fun! The winner of the DECA-RATE a door contest is West High School! Congratulations West High! You will receive a $25 gift card to Smith’s.
Be sure to be working on your DECA BINGO! You have the entire month to work on it. Remember, to be considered for Chapter of the Year, you must participate in DECA BINGO.
Students can submit pin designs for ICDC. All designs must be sent to me by Friday, November 15. The winner will receive a $25 gift card. It is also a square on the DECA BINGO.
There is also a square on DECA BINGO for friendship bracelets. If you make friendship bracelets, send a picture to me, or send one to me. We are thinking of doing something with friendship bracelets at state. I am just trying to get some ideas.
We have 16 schools that have 50+ members! The lead advisor from the following schools will receive a Utility Tote from Thread Wallets! Congratulations!
Alta – 111 members
American Fork – 62 members
Bingham – 55 members
Bonneville – 55 members
Brighton – 91 members
Career Tech – 63 members
Copper Hills – 50 members
Corner Canyon – 167 members
Farmington – 93 members
Fremont – 55 members
Herriman – 59 members
Mountain Ridge – 59 members
Olympus – 50 members
Tooele – 58 members
Uintah – 56 members
Weber – 113 members
Utah DECA’s current membership total is 2,088! That is an increase of 142 members from this date last year. Keep recruiting! Let’s reach our goal of 3,000! Remember that alumni and professional members also count in this total. Consider recruiting professional members for your chapter.
Please plan to attend one of the Region Competition meetings next week. There are several changes for region this year and we want to make sure that each advisor has all the information and that all your questions get answered. The meetings will be over zoom. You only need to attend one meeting. We will keep it to less than 30 minutes.
Wednesday, November 13 – 3:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 1859 9970
Passcode: 309539
Thursday, November 14 – 3:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 8567 5922
Passcode: 789124
Start working on recruiting judges for the region competition. Please remember that you will need 1 judge for every 6 students that you bring to region. Please send the links for judges to sign out to all your friends, non-friends, random business professionals, businesses you want to be friends with, former students, CTE coordinators, etc. I am sure I could make the list go on and on, but you get the point. 

Judge Links
Southern Region – December 1 – Utah Tech – https://forms.gle/ FPhsmY8qdMso9yT18
Northern Region – December 10 – Weber State – https://forms.gle/ pUYjBTq17WUY7tfd6
Central Region – December 13 – BYU – https://forms.gle/ BsuDPkDj1CaPaTdn8
Salt Lake Region – December 16 – SLCC – https://forms.gle/ sFm7vrtmMLk1qYQb9
Evidently the link to the Jazz Night did not work. Here is a longer link that should work for you,
Please order your tickets soon to get the best price.
Happy first day of DECA Month!!! I hope that this month is exciting for you and your students. Here are your weekly announcements.
Today is the last day to submit for the membership incentive. Any school that has 50+ members submitted by today, their advisor will receive a surprise! The members can be students, advisors, professional members, or alumni. Be sure that you have hit the submit button on the National DECA membership website. Payment does not need to be received by today. However, please get payments sent in soon.
As of today, we have 1,920 Utah DECA members! Awesome! Keep recruiting!
The DECA-Rate a Door Contest has begun! Please submit your entry on our Instagram (ut_deca) or send a picture to Jill by 3:00 on November 5. The winning chapter will receive a $25 gift card to Smith’s. It also counts as a square on DECA BINGO.
Be sure to be working on your DECA BINGO! I have attached the DECA BINGO card again. It is also on our website.
Students can submit pin designs for ICDC. All designs must be sent to me by Friday, November 15. The winner will receive a $25 gift card. It is also a square on the DECA BINGO.
There is also a square on DECA BINGO for friendship bracelets. If you make friendship bracelets, send a picture to me, or send one to me. We are thinking of doing something with friendship bracelets at state. I am just trying to get some ideas.
All the information for the Region Competitions was sent out yesterday. Please be sure to read that entire email for all the competition information.
We will have our Utah DECA Night at the Utah Jazz on January 15. Students will be able to shoot free throws starting at 1:30. A guest speaker will be there at 2:00. Early entry into the Delta Center to watch warm-ups will be at 4:45. The game will start at 7:00 pm against the Charlotte Hornets. Tickets can be purchased at www.utahjazz.group/utahdeca
Please order your tickets as soon as possible. Best prices and seats are available now.
Have a great week everyone!
November is DECA Month! I wanted to get this out to you before November so that you can start making plans! We are changing a few things this year. Instead of weekly activities this year, we are just going to do the DECA-RATE A Door Contest and the DECA BINGO. We encourage you to add as many events as you would like for the month of November.
Decorate classroom doors to show your chapter’s DECA spirit. If participating in the contest, the door must be decorated by November 5. Submit your entry on our Instagram (ut_deca) or send the picture to Jill by 3:00 on November 5. The winning chapter will receive a $25 gift card to Smith’s. It also counts as a square on the DECA BINGO.
We are doing DECA BINGO again this year. The DECA BINGO card is attached. Throughout the month, your DECA chapter can work to get a BINGO, a DOUBLE BINGO, and/or a BLACKOUT. DECA BINGO participation is a requirement for Chapter of the Year (Chapters do not have to receive a BINGO or BLACKOUT, but must show that they did things for DECA BINGO). For DECA Chapters to show that they have completed a BINGO, DOUBLE BINGO, and/or BLACKOUT, they must submit the following:
BINGO – Submit a short description of each of the activities completed that got a BINGO (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal). Submit at least 3 pictures. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by December 4. (For Double BINGO, do 2 submissions. One for each of the BINGOs).
BLACKOUT – Submit a short description of each of the activities completed a BINGO BLACKOUT. Submit at least 12 pictures. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by December 3.
Chapters completing a BINGO will earn a sticker for all members.
Chapters completing DOUBLE BINGO will earn two stickers for all members and a $25 gift card for the chapter.
Chapters completing the BINGO BLACKOUT will earn 3 stickers for all members, and a $50 gift card for the chapter.
For some of the BINGO squares, chapters might have to get pretty creative. I can’t wait to see everything our chapters come up with!
Students can submit pin designs for ICDC. All designs must be sent to [email protected] by Friday, November 15. (Yes, this is a square on DECA BINGO).
We hope that everyone gets involved and has a fun time for DECA Month. If you have questions, please let me know.
Hello DECA Advisors,
I know some of you just got back from Fall Break and some of you are heading into Fall Break. I hope that all of you get a relaxing break whenever it is for you.
Here are the things I have for you this week.
Our current membership is 1,808 members! That is an increase of 224 members from this date one year ago. Great job! Keep recruiting!!!
Remember that our next membership incentive is November 1. Any DECA chapter with 50+ registered and submitted members will receive a prize for the lead advisor. It will be a great prize! You know you want it. 

November is DECA Month. Tomorrow I will be sending out all the details for the activities happening for DECA Month.
Registration for the Weber Biz Competition is due Friday, October 25. For more information, please go to https://www.weber.edu/goddard/ WeberBizInvitational.html
We will have our Utah DECA Night at the Utah Jazz on January 15. Students will be able to shoot free throws starting at 1:30. A guest speaker will be there at 2:00. Early entry into the Delta Center to watch warm-ups will be at 4:45. The game will start at 7:00 pm against the Charlotte Hornets. Tickets can be purchased at www.utahjazz.group/utahdeca I have attached a flyer. Please order your tickets as soon as possible. Best prices and seats are available now.
Next week we will be sending out information regarding judges for the region competitions. Please start recruiting judges.
There are several changes happening this year for region competitions. Students will be allowed to compete in two different events. Testing will be done before region. Tests will be area specific. More judges will be needed. Information for all region competitions will be sent out next week.
Hello DECA Advisors,
I hope that everyone has had a great week. I know that several of you are currently at the UVU Invitational. I hope that all of your students have a great experience! Thank you UVU for hosting 600 of our DECA members!
Here are a few things for you this week.
Our current state membership is 1,613 members! That is an increase of 270 members from this date a year ago! That is incredible! Keep recruiting. We are over halfway to our goal.
During our Fall Leadership Conference, Calvin Barnum, presented about the Teen Entrepreneur Support Center. Attached is a flyer. Please share with your students. They can use the QR code for more information.
Also there is a flyer for the Teen Entrpreneur Pop Up Market which is on December 7th from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. Please share with your students. There is a QR code to reserve a spot.
We will have our Utah DECA Night at the Utah Jazz on January 15. Students will be able to shoot free throws starting at 1:30. A guest speaker will be there at 2:00. Early entry into the Delta Center to watch warm-ups will be at 4:45. The game will start at 7:00 pm against the Charlotte Hornets. Tickets can be purchased at www.utahjazz.group/utahdeca. I have attached a flyer. Please order your tickets as soon as possible. Best prices and seats are available now.
I know many were surprised to see that USU closed reigstration early. They reached 986 students which is over their capcity. They will be reaching out to individual schools, who have not confirmed yet, to confirm numbers. At last count there where 4 schools placed on the waitlist. Please confirm your numbers as soon as possible to allow opportunities for other schools.
The amount of students planning on attending the Aggie Invite has brought forth several concerns. They are worried about finding enough judges. They sent a link to all schools attending to help with judges. If you have more than 1 advisor attending, please support USU and have one advisor judge. It is a great learning tool to judge so that you can better prepare your own students.
Also, please be sure to monitor/chaperone students while at the invites. These schools put the events on for us, and we do not want one group of students to ruin it for all students.
Both the UVU and USU Invites are huge this year. Both schools were surprised by the amount of interest, which I am not. We all love competitions, and more opportunities for our students to compete. In our next board meeting, we will be talking about invitationals, and maybe some options. Please remember that these colleges do these events for us. They are in charge of them. They do everything. We simply advertise for them. They love doing this for our students, and are working to figure out the best ways to make it happen. We appreciate that they are willing to do this for us. While you may not agree with everything they are do, I do ask that you and your students remain respectful towards them, and share a big thank you to them for all they do for members of Utah DECA.
Speaking of invites, here is another opportunity for your students. The flyer is also attached.
From Weber…
I just wanted to make sure you know about our upcoming Weberbiz Case Competition!
It will be held on November 6th at the Ogden Campus, and we are excited to announce that we will have 3 business cases this year from Tab Bank, Roosters Brewing, and Greentech Renewables.
As in years past we will be awarding $10K in scholarship money, lots of cash, and prizes to not only the 1st-3rd place winners of each of the 3 cases, but also to winners of our second chance activities, which will take place after the initial presentations. We’re planning an excellent day, full of competition and fun, led by our Goddard Student Ambassador team (many of whom are former high school students from the Weber and Davis County areas).
I will be sending out more information to teachers and schools over the coming weeks, but wanted to make sure you were aware and ask for any help you could give in spreading the word. We would love to get as many schools as possible out to the competition. Last year we had schools from as far North as Southern Idaho and as far South as Whitehorse HIgh School on the Navajo Reservation. It was so great to see all of those students come together here to compete.
Thanks so much, and please let me know if you have any questions at all. Below is the link to our webpage, and attached is a flyer with a bit more information.
Eliza Fry
Marketing Manager
Goddard School of Business & Economics
Goddard School of Business & Economics
Weber State University
(801) 626-7397
We will start advertising our plan for DECA Month after Fall Break. Stay tunned for all the activities planned.
Wow! That was more than I had planned. I hope that you have a great weekend!
Hello DECA Advisors,
I hope that all of you are having a great week! Lots has happened this week. I hope those schools that attended the RSL game had a great time! Thank you to RSL for hosting us.
Congratulations to the following schools for completing the Leadership Training Activities by October 1:
American Fork, Herriman, Hillcrest, Olympus, Mountain Ridge, Uintah, and West.
I will reach out to each of the advisors for the $25 gift card.
I will reach out to each of the advisors for the $25 gift card.
If you didn’t complete everything by October 1, keep working on it. It will be a BINGO square on the BINGO card for November.
Congratulations to the following school who all have 20+ members as of October 1. The stickers have been ordered and will arrive next week. I will send them out as soon as I get them.
Alta, American Fork, Bingham, Bonneville, Bountiful, Brighton, Career Tech, Cedar Valley, Copper Hills, Corner Canyon, Davis, Farmington, Fremont, GTI, Herriman, Hillcrest, Hunter, Jordan, Layton, Mountain Crest, Mountain Ridge, Olympus, Pine View, Pleasant Grove, Riverton, Rowland Hall, Skyline, Skyridge, Syracuse, Tooele, Uintah, Weber, West, and Whitehorse. (If I missed your school, please let me know.)
That is AMAZING!!! Our largest chapter right now is Corner Canyon with 167 members! We have 7 schools with over 50 members! Wow!!!
Utah DECA’s total membership is 1,173. We currently have 39 more members than this time last year. Keep it up! Remember our goal is 3,000 members! We can do it!
Our next membership incentive is November 1. Any chapter with 50+ submitted and paid members, will earn an amazing prize for the lead advisor!
UVU Invite is October 11. Aggie Invite is October 29. SNOW is November 7. Please refer to the emails about each of the invites. If you have questions, please reach out to the school.
The invites are a great opportunity for our students.
November is DECA Month. Stayed tuned for all the activities we have planned.
There are lots of great things available on the DECA Website (www.deca.org). At https://www.deca.org/advisor- resources/use-role-plays-and- case-studies-in-the-classroom teachers are given resources to help them to incorporate DECA role plays into the classroom. You might want to take a look. Maybe you will want to use one of their ideas, or it will spark a new idea for you. Remember there are sample events for each competition on the website.
Have a great week!
Hello DECA Advisors,
I thought I would spice it up and send the email earlier this week.
Actually, I just wanted to make sure that you have enough time before October 1 to get things done.

I have attached a basic PowerPoint from FLC. It was the key information that was shared.
OCTOBER 1 – 20+ registered and paid members. Chapters will receive stickers for all members.
NOVEMBER 1 – 50+ registered and paid members. The chapter advisor will receive swag. It will be good.
FEBRUARY 1 – Membership recognition awards will be given for various membership, including chapters with 50+ members and chapters with large percentage growths
Currently, we have 1, 098 members of Utah DECA! We are off to an amazing start!
Just a reminder that if your chapter is planning on completing the Leadership Training Activities for a gift card, they must be completed by October 1. The form must be submitted by 11:59 pm on October 1. The form can be found at https://forms.gle/JyR2JrR7gZfdK3wv7
If you would like more of the DECA Friendship Bracelets to hand out for the activities, let me know.
If you do not complete the Leadership Training Activities by October 1, your chapter can still do them. It will be on the DECA BINGO card in November, so you would already have that completed.
A digital copy of the Leadership Training Activities can be found on the Resources Tab on the Utah DECA website. https://utahdeca.org/resources/
A digital copy of the Leadership Training Activities can be found on the Resources Tab on the Utah DECA website. https://utahdeca.org/resources/
The Utah Financial Empowerment Coalition is sponsoring the Financial Literacy Night Project. This can be used for a Financial Literacy Project. Or you can do a Financial Literacy Project that is different than this one. They presented at FLC. It is included in the FLC PowerPoint. Details are also on JumpStarts website at https://www.utahjumpstart.org/community-nights . If your chapter wants to participate, please use the QR code in the PowerPoint to sign up. They will be providing money to the Top 3 winners in their competition.
If you are planning on attending the DECA Night at RSL please get your tickets ASAP. The link for tickets is https://seatgeek.com/real-salt-lake-tickets/mls/2024-10-02-7-30-pm/6328405?sgo_ac=DECA . The game is October 2 at 7:30 pm.
Registration for the UVU Invite is open. Register soon at https://www.uvu.edu/woodbury/marketing/marketing-invitational.html
For information about this invite go to Marketing Invitational | Marketing | Woodbury School of Business | Utah Valley University (uvu.edu) It looks like it will be amazing!
Registration for the Aggie Invite will open on October 1.
Hello DECA Advisors,
Hopefully we have everyone registered for Fall Leadership Conference. We will have around 800 students in attendance! That is amazing! I think this could be one of our best conferences! I will be sending out all the details on Monday. Please watch for that.
A few other things for you.
They are anticipating the RSL game to sell out on October 2. If your students want to go, please get tickets asap. The link for tickets is https://seatgeek.com/real- salt-lake-tickets/mls/2024-10- 02-7-30-pm/6328405?sgo_ac=DECA .
The DECA Night at the Utah Jazz will be January 15. More information to come.
Everything we know about the UVU and AGGIE INVITE has been sent to you. The information is also on our website. Please be sure to read through all the information. We love that these universities want to do invites for our students. We want to be sure to follow their procedures.
Hello DECA Advisors,
I waited to send this email until after the DECA Advisor Training, to share some of the things we did. It was great having so many DECA Advisors at the training. Advisors helped advisors! It was great. Ideas of many different kinds were shared. I hope that everyone who attended, got something to help them. Once I have all the documents from the training, I will send them out. I think it is going to be a fantastic year!
Registration for FLC is due on Thursday, September 12. Please get your registration in on time.
We have finalized the breakout sessions. They are:
1. Bucked Up
2. Valhalla Strength Gym
3. Open Ed – formally My Tech High
4. Teen Entrepreneur Support Center
5A. Boyd Mattheson host of KSL Inside Sources (sessions 1 and 2 only)
5B. Fomba Nation – Car Wraps and Customization (sessions 3 and 4 only/parking lot)
6. BYU Sports Marketing and Fan Experience
7. DECA State Officers
8. What the Hecka is DECA – Gig Griffth
9. Professional Sales – Weber State – Interviews and Selling Yourself
10. Role Plays 101 – Randy Kammerman
We will have 10 different ones to choose from. Please encourage your students to split up so that someone from your school goes to each one so that they can come back and share.
The agenda:
7:45-8:10- Registration – The Barn @ Thanksgiving Point
Breakout Sessions will be at the Megaplex @ Thanksgiving Point
8:15-8:45 – Session 1
8:45-8:50 – Break time
8:50-9:20 – Session 2
9:20-9:25 – Break time
9:25-9:55 – Session 3
9:55-10:00 – Break time
10:00-10:30- Session 4
Leave Megaplex
10:45 – General Session – The Barn @ Thanksgiving Point
– Closing Speaker Steve Starks, CEO Larry H Miller Company
– State Officers
– Leadership Bags
12:30 – FLC Dismiss
Lunch on your own
12:30 – 3:00 – Chapter planning time (If schools want to stay and do planning time, they are welcome to stay in the barn. I know several districts have to leave due to transportation issues.)
Cost for the conference is $40 per attendee. Includes conference, conference activities, and DECA swag. Students must be registered with National DECA to register and attend the Fall Conference.
Registration is at https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-flc.
Dress code for FLC is Business Casual or DECA/school shirts and jeans or nice pants. No shorts. Due to all the different activities, we feel this is appropriate dress.
We have finalized all region competitions.
Southern – December 6 – Utah Tech
Northern – December 10 – Northern Region
Central – December 13 – BYU
Salt Lake – December 16 – SLCC
More information to come about regions.
Utah DECA at RSL will be on October 2 @ 7:30 pm. It is against Minnesota United. The link for discounted seats is below. A panel with RSL wil be held after the game. Yes, it will make for a late night. They are unable to do it before the game. More information to come about the panel.
They anticipate this game to sell out. Buy your tickets now!
You will be hearing from me soon! Have a great Monday everyone!
Hello Everyone,
Happy almost long weekend! Hopefully, you will be able to do so fun and relaxing things this weekend. Here are our things for the week.
Registration closes at 5:00 pm tomorrow for the advisor training. If you have not registered, please do so asap.
The advisor training is Friday, September 6 from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm at the Mountain American Corporate Office Building. Both DECA and FBLA are invited. This is for new and experienced advisors.
It is free for all affiliated advisors and will cost $40 for anyone that is non-affiliated. So, get your name on your memberships!
I have attached a flyer with information.
To register for the event please go to https:////bit.ly/3kknz5Y
I hope to see lots of you there. It is a great place to connect with other advisors, and hopefully walk away with helpful ideas.
Also, a heads up, (if you register you will receive an email after registration closes about this) we are asking that any advisor coming with 3 or more years experience do a teacher share. Bring one thing that you do or helps you in DECA to share with everyone. We want to keep each on short, 3 minutes or less. So be thinking of something you could share. New advisors can share something if they wish.
We are excited for our Utah DECA Fall Leadership Conference. It will be Wednesday, September 18 at Thanksgiving Point. Here is the agenda for FLC:
7:45-8:10- Registration – The Barn @ Thanksgiving Point
Breakout Sessions will be at the Megaplex @ Thanksgiving Point
8:15-8:45 – Session 1
8:45-8:50 – Break time
8:50-9:20 – Session 2
9:20-9:25 – Break time
9:25-9:55 – Session 3
9:55-10:00 – Break time
10:00-10:30- Session 4
Leave Megaplex
10:45 – General Session – The Barn @ Thanksgiving Point
– Closing Speaker Steve Starks, CEO Larry H Miller Company
– State Officers
– Leadership Bags
12:30 – FLC Dismiss
Lunch on your own
12:30 – 3:00 – Chapter planning time (If schools want to stay and do planning time, they are welcome to stay in the barn. I know several districts have to leave due to transportation issues.)
Chapters will each get a leadership bag to complete activities by October 1. Each bag will contain leadership activities/assignments for your officers/members to complete. If everything is completed and submitted by October 1, your DECA chapter will receive a $25 giftcard to celebrate. More information to come at the conference. You can use the chapter planning time at The Barn or time your leaders/members set aside to work on the items.
Cost for the conference is $40 per attendee. Includes conference, conference activities, and DECA swag. Students must be registered with National DECA to register and attend the Fall Conference.
Registration is at https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-flc.
Dress code for FLC is Business Casual or DECA/school shirts and jeans or nice pants. No shorts. Due to all the different activities, we feel this is appropriate dress.
I have attached a flyer and a release form for FLC.
Utah DECA at RSL will be on October 2 @ 7:30 pm. It is against Minnesota United. The link for discounted seats is below. A panel with RSL wil be held after the game. Yes, it will make for a late night. They are unable to do it before the game. More information to come about the panel. I have attached a flyer.
We have our first Utah DECA Board Meeting last night. The DECA Board President for this year is Nate Reese. The secretary is Kaitlyn Larsen. The minutes will be posted on the Utah DECA website by next week. Talk to your region reps. Ask them questions. We are all here to help you.
I received my box yesterday. National DECA did a great organizer for everyone. Hopefully, it will help you through the year. They hope to have them all out by the middle of September. If you have not received it yet, be patient. It is coming.
If you haven’t been to the National DECA website. Go! Especially check out https://www.deca.org/classroom and https://www.deca.org/brand. I think you will find some helpful resources.
Have a great week everyone!
Hello Everyone,
Hopefully, all of you have had a great first few days of the school year. Lots of things for you this week.
We will be having a DECA and FBLA combined advisor professional learning conference on Friday, September 6 from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm at the Mountain American Corporate Office Building. This is for new and experienced advisors.
This will be free for all affiliated advisors and will cost $40 for anyone that is non-affiliated.
I have attached a flyer with information.
To register for the event please go to https:////bit.ly/3kknz5Y
We are excited for our Utah DECA Fall Leadership Conference. It will be Wednesday, September 18 at Thanksgiving Point. Here is the agenda for FLC:
7:45-8:10- Registration – The Barn @ Thanksgiving Point
Breakout Sessions will be at the Megaplex @ Thanksgiving Point
8:15-8:45 – Session 1
8:45-8:50 – Break time
8:50-9:20 – Session 2
9:20-9:25 – Break time
9:25-9:55 – Session 3
9:55-10:00 – Break time
10:00-10:30- Session 4
Leave Megaplex
10:45 – General Session – The Barn @ Thanksgiving Point
– Closing Speaker Steve Starks, CEO Larry H Miller Company
– State Officers
– Leadership Bags
12:30 – FLC Dismiss
Lunch on your own
12:30 – 3:00 – Chapter planning time (If schools want to stay and do planning time, they are welcome to stay in the barn. I know several districts have to leave due to transportation issues.)
Chapters will each get a leadership bag to complete activities by October 1. Each bag will contain leadership activities/assignments for your officers/members to complete. If everything is completed and submitted by October 1, your DECA chapter will receive a $25 giftcard to celebrate. More information to come at the conference. You can use the chapter planning time at The Barn or time your leaders/members set aside to work on the items.
For the breakouts, this is what I have so far confirmed:
Room 1 – What the Hecka is DECA
Room 2 – DECA Leadership – State Officers
Room 3 – Fan Experience – BYU Sports Marketing and Fan Experience Team
More to come! We are planning on 8 total sessions to choose from. Students will pick 4 breakout sessions in the morning to attend.
Cost for the conference is $40 per attendee. Includes conference, conference activities, and DECA swag. Students must be registered with National DECA to register and attend the Fall Conference.
Registration is at https://www.decaregistration. com/ut-flc.
Dress code for FLC is Business Casual or DECA/school shirts and jeans or nice pants. No shorts. Due to all the different activities, we feel this is appropriate dress.
I have attached a flyer and a release form for FLC.
We have added a few things to the calendar, so I have attached an updated calendar. I waited to send this to hopefully have Salt Lake Region, but we are still working on it. Hopefully, next week.
RSL DECA Night – Wednesday, October 2
Central Region – Friday, December 13 at BYU
We will have a Jazz Night in January. I will have the exact game in a couple of weeks. They are setting up group ticketing now.
The state officers have made a fantastic promotional video. It can be found at www.utahdeca.org on the home page.
All of you should start receiving you This is How We DECA Boxes this week. National DECA added an organizer to the box, which took longer to print. The box includes the DECA Guide, posters, the organizer, and other things. They are sent to your school from National DECA. Hopefully, you will all have them within the next couple of weeks.
Everyone planning on attending the Fall Leadership Conference, must be a registered member of DECA. National DECA membership is open. You can go in and update your information and start getting students registered now. https://membership. decaregistration.com/deca#
Have a great week everyone!
Welcome Back DECA Advisors!
We are so glad that all of you are back. I hope that you had a fantastic summer. I hope this school year is the best one yet.
I have a few things to get you started. Lots more to come!
As many of you already know, because we talked about it at the Summer Conference, Utah DECA will no longer be purchasing flights for ICDC. USBE has asked us not to do them. This means that districts/schools will be on their own for flights and ground transportation for ICDC. Please be sure to talk to your district leaders before you purchase your own flights so that you are following your district policies. Utah DECA will still be doing all hotel accommodations. National DECA requires that all ICDC participants stay at the assigned hotel and that the hotel’s reservations (everything involved with the hotel) is done through the State Advisor. After state, I will still send out the hotel list and do the room assignments.
I think many of you will be happy with this announcement. Our hotel for ICDC is Cabana Bay at Universal Studios. While I was at the State Advisor’s training last week, I meet with the hotel reps and had a tour of the hotel. I think everyone will love it.
Well, now that I started with end-of-year stuff, let’s go back to the beginning.
I have attached an updated calendar for the year. This is also on our website. It will be updated as we add things. We hope to finalize Salt Lake Region next week and Central Region by the first week in September.
We will be having a DECA and FBLA combined advisor professional learning conference on Friday, September 6 from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm at the Mountain American Corporate Office Building. This is for new and experienced advisors.
This will be free for all affiliated advisors and will cost $40 for anyone that is non-affiliated.
I have attached a flyer with information.
To register for the event please go to https://bit.ly/3kknz5Y
The Fall Leadership Conference will be held on September 18 at Thanksgiving Point. We will begin at 8:00 am. We will be finished by 1:00 pm. Schools will have the option to stay and use The Barn at Thanksgiving Point for planning purposes until 4:00 if they want to. We will be sending back with each school a bag of items to complete. More information to come on Monday! It is going to be a great Fall Conference!
I hope all of you have a great school year this year!